So tomorrow I leave the mid west. Sad. I've had such a good summer here with Grant and his family. Since coming out here I've been to Oklahoma at least 3 times, Arkansas twice, and Missouri on an almost daily basis (we live in Kansas). We also got to drive to Chicago to see Amanda and Mike! That trip was such a blast, and now I have also been to Illinois.
This last week was so so fun. On Monday the day after getting home from Chicago we drove down to Rogers, Arkansas where Grant's brother Barry lives. He took us to the gym every day where his wife works where the guys played ball and I got to work out at such a nice place! On Wednesday I got FOUR sales (the highest I've gotten this summer) and then on Thursday we got a couple too. Thursday night all the salesmen from all the different offices met in Rogers and we went to the Rodeo of the Ozarks. It was way fun! And we all dressed up like cowboys, Grant even bought me my own hat :)
On Friday we drove to Oklahoma City to where three of Grant's brothers live (Bryan, Aaron, and Dennis). We had a big barbecue, played volleyball, and just hung out. Then later that night we went to downtown Oklahoma City to a place called Brick Town. We watched the huge fireworks display from on top of a parking garage. Front row seats! Then we went back to Bryan's house which is way out in the country where there are no neighbors around and we had the best home made fireworks I've ever even heard about! Ya know, in Utah they don't even let you buy stuff that gets off the ground. It is for sure not that way out here. These were practically professional fireworks being shot off by a bunch of people who are obviously not professionals! We ate homemade ice cream and enjoyed the show late into the night, even the kids got to stay up! It was for sure an all-American holiday.
Saturday Grant's parents made everyone a huge breakfast for 50 + people. Later that day me and Grant got all dressed up and Grant's mom, Michelle, Bryan and Bryan's daughter took us to this really pretty bridge and wooded area to take engagement pictures! It was so so nice of them, and really fun! They took over 130 pictures. These are the two we like the most. Which one do you like the best???

We also got some pretty crazy ones too! haha the non-photogenic Crane really showed through in a lot of them! haha amanda, I won't forget my roots!

This last one is my favorite I think! The rest of Saturday was so fun, we went skeet shooting and then the WHOLE gang went to an indoor swimming and diving place that was rented out for us.
All in all, a good trip and a very good end to my trip out here.