This past Sunday, our Aunt Mary, my mom's sister, who has been battling cancer, passed away. My mom and I were discussing how glad Mike and I were that we were able to visit Aunt Mary and her husband, Monte, in Kanab a few years ago. I am so glad that Mike was able to remember so many details:
As a fairly newly married couple Amanda and I took our first vacation together after school let out in 2006. We planned a trip which included hiking in Moab, exploring the ruins at Mesa Verde, seeing the Grand Canyon, and a stop in Moab to visit Mary and Monte. By the time we got to Kanab we were both in need of a shower, a good night of sleep, and some additional conversation partners. Mary welcomed us into their home, fed us, took care of us, and was genuinely interested in hearing about our most recent adventures and what we were doing in our lives. When I said how much I loved Mesa Verde and things related to Southwest Native Americans, Mary perked up and asked, "Do you want to see some arrowheads?" I replied that I very much did and I was expecting perhaps one or two arrowheads. Mary left the room and came back with several show boxes full of arrowheads and pottery shards. She grew giddy as she told the story of how she found each one of the artifacts and as we talked more she asked, "Do you want to go and hunt for arrowheads tomorrow?" We both replied that we would love to do just that. The next morning Monte and Mary fixed us a classic country style breakfast and then we headed out in Monte's old Jeep to first inspect his cattle and then start out on our treasure hunt. Mary gave us both sticks and explained that it was easier to use to the stick to turn over potential arrowheads rather than to stoop over and inspect each one. She was obviously experienced at this treasure hunting hobby of hers and she was thrilled to be showing us how to do it. We hunted for a few hours and didn't come upon any arrowheads but we did see hundreds of pieces of shattered pottery strewn all over the bluff which we were traversing. Mary assured us that she was almost always successful in her hunts but that today must have just been unlucky. To us it didn't matter, we were just happy to be in on the adventure and to have a few hours for Amanda to catch up with her aunt and uncle and for me to get to know them a little more. Whenever I think of Mary the image that is marked in my mind is her infectious excitement and laughter as she showed off her treasure to us and how willing she was to let us join in her somewhat illegal little obsession. Amanda and I still talk about that trip and how much fun we had with Mary and Mont and we have more than once remarked that we hope that we can be as hospitable and welcoming to all who come and visit us.