We´re sitting in the business office in Cancun on a Saturday night. Evidently to check the BYU score in the vegas bowl ??? I might have gotten this all wrong. Also we´re trying to figure out where and what time church is tomorrow... Mostly dad´s checking the score and basically watching the game through refreshing the comments...
Then mom just walked in the door with a horrified look on her face...
Mom - guess what just happened?
Me, Maren and Dad - half paying attenting - what?
Mom - I got stuck in the elevator.
Now think about this...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Stolen Laundry! Living in a city of crime!

So yesterday Mike flew to Utah for his Uncle’s funeral in Eli, Nevada. I supposedly was going to have a large project at work so I stayed behind, but since I have time to post this blog, I probably should have gone. Anyway, he ran out of prep-time for the airport and asked if I would get his laundry out of the dryer. Well for most of you, possibly all of you, you go to the next room. Not us, we have a laundry room on the 2nd floor of the building. So far I really haven’t minded it because you can get all of your laundry done at once. Our building is locked all of the time so I feel comfortable leaving during the washing. So yesterday after I got home, I went down to get Mike’s laundry, only a few hours after he left for the airport. I felt a little nosey as I prodded through other’s laundry a bit to find Mike’s essentials. It was gone! I called Mike later just to make sure he didn’t pick it up. He did not. It was gone! Someone had stolen his laundry. We live in student housing! How could someone do that? I started to distrust the other student, and yes I became bitter! I left a note (actually a really nice one, believe it or not) in the laundry room, just in case anyone was feeling a bit guilty.
So this morning I got to work and found an email from my friend in the ward that happens to live in our same building. It read, “I am so sorry! Jeff stole your laundry!” Anyway, I guess she had sent her husband to pick up the laundry that included mostly baby clothes. Late last night she started folding her laundry and realized the items were not baby clothes but rather 26-year old clothes. Embarrassed, they thought they would just sneak it back into the laundry room, but then they found my note. So they fessed up! She was so embarrassed, but I was just so relieved!
So this morning I got to work and found an email from my friend in the ward that happens to live in our same building. It read, “I am so sorry! Jeff stole your laundry!” Anyway, I guess she had sent her husband to pick up the laundry that included mostly baby clothes. Late last night she started folding her laundry and realized the items were not baby clothes but rather 26-year old clothes. Embarrassed, they thought they would just sneak it back into the laundry room, but then they found my note. So they fessed up! She was so embarrassed, but I was just so relieved!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Wonderful Thanksgiving!
Well, we had a wonderful time in Utah for Thanksgiving. It was so fun to be with family and catch up. It was great to see the LA Cranes on Thanksgiving day they all are so great! Baby Hudson is such a sweet addition. It was so much fun to have Victoria and Cameron and Addison together. They had so much fun. I remember one moment on Thanksgiving Day when Victoria was chasing the two with a huge fish maraca and one of them fell and she yanked and yelled at them to "get up". I worry about the new baby boy!
We have very fond memories of: warm fires, the train game, Christmas tree hunting, and many many more!
Thank you all for making it so special! We love and miss you all everyday!
We have very fond memories of: warm fires, the train game, Christmas tree hunting, and many many more!
Thank you all for making it so special! We love and miss you all everyday!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
So I have a few things to scream about!
So I have recently realized that I am a screamer. Today while Mike and I were down town on Michigan Avenue, the promised and predicted winter storm warning became reality. We were okay for a bit as the wind was to our back. All of a sudden, the wind changed and snow began to pelt us in the face as we ran to catch our train back to Hyde Park. I couldn't help myself but let out loud high pitched screams! It was crazy. Mike was laughing when we finally got inside again. He reminded me of my other screaming moments such as getting completely drenched on my way home from the train one day when my umbrella kept whipping in and out in the Chicago wind and the time I caught the only Crane family fish at Payson Lake's. I didn't realize in my excitement but the entire lake became aware of my great catch. What can I say, I'm a screamer!
P.S. Let's get the blog up and going again!
P.S. Let's get the blog up and going again!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The CPA exam and an interesting story
Rachel, I have just loved the pictures and funny stories! This past few weeks have been a bit crazy. I took a section of the CPA exam on this past Friday. Now I am studying to take another section at the end of this month. I will be so glad when this dark cloud, called the CPA exam is no longer lingering in my life. Oh, it's not that bad!
Also, this Friday, I am helping out through my work at a Junior Achievement day which is when you go to a school in an at-risk area and teach about business or economics for a day. I was assigned to team teach the 7th graders. Should be just enough attitude and immaturity to make for a fun day! No, it should really be fun, but a bit scary too!
I also have a funny and pretty embarrassing story to share. The other evening I went visiting teaching with my new companion for our first month together. The girl we visited was great and we had a great time. When we got into the apartment I noticed a smell that led to the thought that they may have just changed their baby's diaper. The smell continued to linger as we finished our lesson and had the closing prayer. As we were leaving, I noticed that I had tracked in some mudlike substance onto their nice white carpet. Oh, I felt so bad! Luckilly, it is a rental, so it wasn't the end of the world. This is when it all gets embarrassing. Then, I began to tie the sights and the smells together. Yes, not only did I step in dog poop, but I completely tracked it into a woman's home that I am supposed to be uplifting! I haven't been so embarrased in a long time and now for some reason I am sharing it with all of you. Yes, so that is currently my life. A little bit of the CPA exam and a little big of dog poop! One in the same!
Also, this Friday, I am helping out through my work at a Junior Achievement day which is when you go to a school in an at-risk area and teach about business or economics for a day. I was assigned to team teach the 7th graders. Should be just enough attitude and immaturity to make for a fun day! No, it should really be fun, but a bit scary too!
I also have a funny and pretty embarrassing story to share. The other evening I went visiting teaching with my new companion for our first month together. The girl we visited was great and we had a great time. When we got into the apartment I noticed a smell that led to the thought that they may have just changed their baby's diaper. The smell continued to linger as we finished our lesson and had the closing prayer. As we were leaving, I noticed that I had tracked in some mudlike substance onto their nice white carpet. Oh, I felt so bad! Luckilly, it is a rental, so it wasn't the end of the world. This is when it all gets embarrassing. Then, I began to tie the sights and the smells together. Yes, not only did I step in dog poop, but I completely tracked it into a woman's home that I am supposed to be uplifting! I haven't been so embarrased in a long time and now for some reason I am sharing it with all of you. Yes, so that is currently my life. A little bit of the CPA exam and a little big of dog poop! One in the same!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
One funny thing I want to remember! Victoria just got out of the tub and tutted and said, "Oh Daddy, bubbles, bubbles". I think that is a nice term for such a unfortunate event! Richard's family calls it "popping" and I guess we will call it "bubbling"!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Cheesy Chicken!
Cheese! That is what Victoria yells everytime she sees a camera, phone, tv remote, etc. She is always ready with her cheesy smile, even if her eyes are looking elsewhere!
This is one of two costumes she wore this year! This was my favorite! She liked wearing it and caught on to the Trick or Treat thing real quick. The night before Halloween we took her across the street to an assisted living center where we volunteer and everyone loved her. Once she figured out that the orange pumpkins had candy in them every basket was a target. She attempted to take candy from many a little trick or treater.
At Richard's office party the next day the trick or treating continued. She would enter every office with a very loud "HI"! Then she would proceed to track down the candy dish. It was soo funny! Sometimes if the offerer left the dish in front of her for too long she would clean it out. She just kept dishing. A few times we had to give a few things back that she wasn't happy about!
Later, we trick or treated at the Martinez' neighborhood. She didn't really want to go at first. She was just excited to be at Grandma's house and didn't want to leave, but after the first house she was running. Richard and Javier dressed up too. I will attach a picture somehow.
Even later, after we were done with trick or treating the fun continued as she handed out candy to those who came to our door. When the doorbell rang she would yell " hurry, hurry, hurry" and run to the door. She knows "two" so she gave everyone " two " pieces! When she would reach for the basket and it was a little far she would grunt like she was straining to reach! She is so dramatic!
All in all we had a wonderful Halloween!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Well, like Emily we just returned from vacation! Okay, Dallas! Only four hours away! Richard had to go for work and I decided to tag along. We left Victoria with Richard's parents. We had a great time. We went to the Texas State Fair! I think the largest and most fried food in the nation. I am not kidding. Fried okra, lattes, twinkies and cheesecakes and much, much, more! We saw Lonestar, a country band, that night. On Saturday we took part in the Race for the Cure in Dallas. Over 26,000 people attended. It was crazy! Richard walked the 5k with me for the first and last time. It took way too long for him! The downtown Dallas area was not impressive to me. I spent the afternoon there walking from destination to destination on my map and I wasn't impress with any of it. I couldn't even find a mall or shopping area at all to kill some time, just office building after office building!
We returned home last night to find Victoria more grown up than ever and able to say a few new words; like Texas and Go Spurs! I'm not sure how I feel about the last one! Should be go Jazz!
We returned home last night to find Victoria more grown up than ever and able to say a few new words; like Texas and Go Spurs! I'm not sure how I feel about the last one! Should be go Jazz!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Welcome Back!
It seems like I was gone so much longer than a week. Sunday I got back from Maui. Last July when one of my best friends was moving from Salt Lake to Phoenix we were both packing her stuff while tears brimmed when she suggested that if we had a vacation planned we'd feel better... We took a break, sat on the floor of her bare loft and booked tickets for Maui. There was about a two minute conversation prior to actually entering our credit card info and I felt instantly better. As things rolled along we decided how fun it'd be to rent a place on the beach with more people. It ended up being six of us - equally balanced with 3 project managers and 3 in sales. It was a perfect balance.
As the trip neared and I received multiple spread sheets from the project managers of the group I began to feel a bit scared - most of you know I'm not a great big planner... There were conversations via email about how to break out responsibility (i.e., should one person plan each day or should each person just plan an activity, etc.). I have to say that after this trip I will NEVER take another trip without a project manager. I was so impressed with the activities we had a chance at due to their great planning and yet I was not planned into a corner. All in all we snorkeled on a great day excursion, saw a luau, zip lined (by far my favorite), spent some much needed time on the beach and competed for the "most bruised" award - sadly I lost.
Its only Tuesday though and its so tough to be back. It seems like forever since I've just rested and I came home to flattened mice and people quitting. UGH.
Anyway - welcome me home because I think I need it this week!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Chicago Attitude
In most of our encounters with Chicogoans (is that a word?), we have met some really, really nice people, but every once in a while you run across what Mike and I have come to call the "Chicago Attitude." One of these experiences took place this morning when I had to drive a mile or so to a post office to pick up a package that would not fit in our 4X4 inch post box. Amazingly, there was no one in line so I found the sign that said, "Line begins here" and waited for the next available teller. Well, a woman a minute later came and stood on the other side of the sign. In my mind I thought, well I'm sure she will just let me go first to the first teller because that's just the way it works. Well, then one of the post office workers shouted with Chicago attitude, "There's only one line," and pointed to where the woman was standing. Well, thinking the woman next to me understood the first come first serve rule and at least some general kindness rule, I asked her if it was okay if I got in line in front of her because I had gotten there before her. She turned to me and said, "Well, you weren't in the right line." I was stunned! To make matters worse, I got to the front of the line finally, and went to pick up my package and the woman said, "Well, do you have an ID?" I said, "No, do I need one because I have the pickup package form?" She told me that I did and that I could not pick up my package! What a trip to the post office. As I pulled onto the road, I saw the woman who did not allow me to merge, with her car door open, possibly obstructing traffic. I just layed on my horn with a little Chicago Attitude!
I almost forgot!
I have a class where we have to write a little blurb every day. It doesn't even matter what it is, just something we care about. So on Thursday I wrote about this:
so.. last night me and my roommate and friend Brooke went to the viewing of a documentary called Invisible Children. Many of you have probably seen this shocking film about the conflict in N. Uganda. I was sickened by my own life as I sat in the lecture hall. These children know nothing but fear. They were born into it, and unless something is done they will die never knowing any other way of life. It was very humbling when I realized that these kids eat maybe once a day, if they're lucky, and sleep packed like sardines in hospitals or at bus stops anywhere to be safe from being abducted and forced into the rebel forces. These children walk many miles every night into town for protection. By themselves.
I worry about eating TOO MUCH. I worry about school. These children never even have the opportunity to go to school. Every night they just hope they make it through the night and in the morning if they have they join together and dance and praise God. The people in Uganda PLEAD for help from the US. They cannot understand how a country as blessed as ours would sit back and continue to do nothing.
As students, it may seem difficult to make a difference, but if we don't, WHO WILL? So, get involved. visit invisiblechildren.com or help your school start a club to raise money to build schools. go to s4s.invisiblechildren.com for details. Just do SOMETHING. Let's not continue to be content with ignorance.I believe it's our OBLIGATION as a blessed country to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
spread the word.
raise awareness.
make a difference.
change the world.
Anway, watching the film and then doing a little research afterwards really changed my life I think. I talked to the lady that came to present the video to us. She's in college and came with just 2 other kids in a black van. They're traveling all over the west because it's something they believe in. It was amazing. She talked to me about starting a club on campus called Schools for Schools where our school raises money to start schools in an area called Gulu. So, alot of other kids who are as moved by the cause as I am started it. Who knows how it will go, but it sure feels good. It blows mind to see what is still happening in this world.
really though. go to the invisible children website and buy some bracelets. They look like the one that Amanda gave me from S. Africa, made out of elephant hair. But these ones are made by people in a refugee camp called Acholi-land as their only means of making a living. Each bracelet, depending on the color you buy, comes with a DVD, a story of a different child. Mine is black and green and the story is about a girl named Grace who is a child who was forced to be married and is now a child mother. Very sad. Very touching.
this is long enough. I still love you all and I very much need some sleep!
so.. last night me and my roommate and friend Brooke went to the viewing of a documentary called Invisible Children. Many of you have probably seen this shocking film about the conflict in N. Uganda. I was sickened by my own life as I sat in the lecture hall. These children know nothing but fear. They were born into it, and unless something is done they will die never knowing any other way of life. It was very humbling when I realized that these kids eat maybe once a day, if they're lucky, and sleep packed like sardines in hospitals or at bus stops anywhere to be safe from being abducted and forced into the rebel forces. These children walk many miles every night into town for protection. By themselves.
I worry about eating TOO MUCH. I worry about school. These children never even have the opportunity to go to school. Every night they just hope they make it through the night and in the morning if they have they join together and dance and praise God. The people in Uganda PLEAD for help from the US. They cannot understand how a country as blessed as ours would sit back and continue to do nothing.
As students, it may seem difficult to make a difference, but if we don't, WHO WILL? So, get involved. visit invisiblechildren.com or help your school start a club to raise money to build schools. go to s4s.invisiblechildren.com for details. Just do SOMETHING. Let's not continue to be content with ignorance.I believe it's our OBLIGATION as a blessed country to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
spread the word.
raise awareness.
make a difference.
change the world.
Anway, watching the film and then doing a little research afterwards really changed my life I think. I talked to the lady that came to present the video to us. She's in college and came with just 2 other kids in a black van. They're traveling all over the west because it's something they believe in. It was amazing. She talked to me about starting a club on campus called Schools for Schools where our school raises money to start schools in an area called Gulu. So, alot of other kids who are as moved by the cause as I am started it. Who knows how it will go, but it sure feels good. It blows mind to see what is still happening in this world.
really though. go to the invisible children website and buy some bracelets. They look like the one that Amanda gave me from S. Africa, made out of elephant hair. But these ones are made by people in a refugee camp called Acholi-land as their only means of making a living. Each bracelet, depending on the color you buy, comes with a DVD, a story of a different child. Mine is black and green and the story is about a girl named Grace who is a child who was forced to be married and is now a child mother. Very sad. Very touching.
this is long enough. I still love you all and I very much need some sleep!
One late night in Provo...
oh hello dear family!
Well, I'm such I've been such a family-blog-slacker!
I'm gonna be honest, it was mostly beacuse my life hasn't been nearly exciting enough recently to warrant it. I mean, moving to Chi-town and to San An is hard to compete with! And Emily can pretty much make any situation in life hilarious and awesome to read.
Anyway, here goes.
Tonight was a riot. Mom and Dad were up at the cabin and said it would be alright if I came up tonight (Friday) and brought some friends...little did they know what they were gettting themselves into! I think about 12 people came. I went with this guy Dave from California, and some other guys in our ward took dates.
First of all Dad brought me a map of how to get the cabin today because we all know that I might be "Eyes Crane" but I'm no navigator. The map was fantastic and we all made it in one piece! oh man, I hope this isn't getting boring yet.
We had a great time, we ate tons of food that Mom and Dad brought for us and they both helped us set everything up. I could not believe how many times people came up to me and told me how lucky I was that my parents are so cool! Ya hear that Mom and Dad?? COOOOOL!
We sat around the fire for awhile, made some s'mores then we all mass huddled for warmth and watched When a Stranger Calls on Dave's laptop. All in all, a very good time.
Provo has been very good to me this year. I loooove King Hen and all the people here. Our ward is so awesome! I love it!
This week has been super hectic though..I've never spent more hours in the library in my life. uhh. It's disgusting.
Well, it's very good to hear from you all!
Oh rach, I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick :(
and amanda, tell Mike I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
em, I hope you're having a ridiculously good time in Maui and I want to hear all about when you back!
mom and dad, I fully agree. You guys are so cool! :)
Everyone else, I hope all is well!
Well, I'm such I've been such a family-blog-slacker!
I'm gonna be honest, it was mostly beacuse my life hasn't been nearly exciting enough recently to warrant it. I mean, moving to Chi-town and to San An is hard to compete with! And Emily can pretty much make any situation in life hilarious and awesome to read.
Anyway, here goes.
Tonight was a riot. Mom and Dad were up at the cabin and said it would be alright if I came up tonight (Friday) and brought some friends...little did they know what they were gettting themselves into! I think about 12 people came. I went with this guy Dave from California, and some other guys in our ward took dates.
First of all Dad brought me a map of how to get the cabin today because we all know that I might be "Eyes Crane" but I'm no navigator. The map was fantastic and we all made it in one piece! oh man, I hope this isn't getting boring yet.
We had a great time, we ate tons of food that Mom and Dad brought for us and they both helped us set everything up. I could not believe how many times people came up to me and told me how lucky I was that my parents are so cool! Ya hear that Mom and Dad?? COOOOOL!
We sat around the fire for awhile, made some s'mores then we all mass huddled for warmth and watched When a Stranger Calls on Dave's laptop. All in all, a very good time.
Provo has been very good to me this year. I loooove King Hen and all the people here. Our ward is so awesome! I love it!
This week has been super hectic though..I've never spent more hours in the library in my life. uhh. It's disgusting.
Well, it's very good to hear from you all!
Oh rach, I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick :(
and amanda, tell Mike I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
em, I hope you're having a ridiculously good time in Maui and I want to hear all about when you back!
mom and dad, I fully agree. You guys are so cool! :)
Everyone else, I hope all is well!
Friday, October 12, 2007
I miss the little ones!
I just read Rachel's blog and I got a real kick out of it. It reminded of something funny she just told me about the other day. Sadly, Rachel has been having some morning sickness and she said she had to really try to keep Victoria out of the bathroom during these moments because otherwise Victoria would come in and make throw up noises right next to Rachel, just impersonating her mommy! I thought that was pretty funny. I sure do miss everyone. I especially miss the little ones because you can't talk to them on the phone. I got a bit homesick when I was watching General Conference in our ward building thinking of everyone else watching it snuggled up on mom and dad's couches (many of them sleeping! :)
Our lives here in Chicago kind of remind me of when we were first married and both in our first years of our masters programs because we are so busy. Mike has to study most hours of the day and I work and then we both come home, eat a quick dinner, and study some more. I am working again on my cpa exam. I am taking two sections by the end of November so it might be a bit crazy. We have really enjoyed exercising at the University of Chicago gym. Can you imagine that every cardio machine actually has its on tv monitor!
Yesterday was Mike's birthday and he had a big project due today so we are actually celebrating on Saturday. Mike is working so hard; I am proud of him. Anyway, that is all for now, but I would love to hear from everyone else!
Our lives here in Chicago kind of remind me of when we were first married and both in our first years of our masters programs because we are so busy. Mike has to study most hours of the day and I work and then we both come home, eat a quick dinner, and study some more. I am working again on my cpa exam. I am taking two sections by the end of November so it might be a bit crazy. We have really enjoyed exercising at the University of Chicago gym. Can you imagine that every cardio machine actually has its on tv monitor!
Yesterday was Mike's birthday and he had a big project due today so we are actually celebrating on Saturday. Mike is working so hard; I am proud of him. Anyway, that is all for now, but I would love to hear from everyone else!
San Antonio!
Well, I don't have much to say! We are in our new apartment and Victoria is moving her toys from her room to the front room in her new car(clothes basket)! It is so nice that she can finally entertain herself! Sometimes it is in interesting ways, like throwing her clothes in the toilet or rubbing her fingers all over our new TV as she watches Elmo. Anytime of the day she can get her hands on the remote she situates herself on the coach and says "I want Elmo"! For some reason she thinks Sesame Street is on 24 hours a day! As she cruises around the house often she stumbles and says, "I okay", even if no one is paying attention. For those of you who thought the whole "Snacks" thing was over done, you will be glad to know that "I want candy," is her new mantra! Well, we really are up to much more than that, but these are things I have noticed since I have had a little bit of morning sickness and have been spending the mornings on the couch while she rips the house apart. She is very helpful though. She just brought me my Sudoku book and pen. Just in case I wanted to do that right now!
Well, we are good and hope you are all fine!
Well, we are good and hope you are all fine!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
One Long Post! One big Chicago!
Hey everyone! We are now officially in Chicago. Mike and I did quite a bit of work to move ourselves in to the 7th floor and then purchase and move a bed, table & chairs, and a couch to furnish the apartment. It has been a pretty exciting past few weeks. We live in a place called Hyde Park which is just 7 miles south of the city. My commute is only 30 minutes a day from our front door to my office cubicle. It continues to shorten as I learn more each day. I ride the metra in which I had to learn is different than the L Train. And you can be sure that I have frantically asked many a people near me, “Is this the right train to get to Hyde Park?” Mike is in orientation and will begin his classes on this Monday. I am sure most of you know but he is getting a PhD at University of Chicago in Early Christian History. The area we live in is great. It is beautiful and diverse and only two blocks from Lake Michigan. We love our new ward and are excited to get more involved in it. Everyone at my work has been really nice so far. I work right downtown and my company composes three levels in a building that each level is an entire city block…pretty different than my small office in Salt Lake.
We have a two bedroom/two bath apartment that seems huge to us so if anyone wants to come and visit, we would love to have you! I would love to hear how everyone is doing.
We have a two bedroom/two bath apartment that seems huge to us so if anyone wants to come and visit, we would love to have you! I would love to hear how everyone is doing.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Big little sisters...

So from the posts below you can see its been quite a big September for us. My two little sisters are off to their new homes and packed and moved so well you'd think they were adults! I'm left here wondering how this happened. I still see these little cute faces with low side pony tails when I look at them so its tough to picture them setting up new lives so far away.
Amanda and Mike are in Chicago now and I know they will love it, but I'm hating the idea of them being so far away. Rachel and Richard and Victoria are off to San Antonio and I'm sure his family is so eager at a chance to have them (and I can't imagine anyone who'd take better care of them)... I keep reminding myself that that's only fair. But as she left and her huge eyes glistened a bit with tears I couldn't help wanting to just hold her until she and V missed their flight.
I'm sure that Mike and Richard have already realized that we're not a family that lets go very easily and they've been so patient and great about it. The only promise I need is that the next time I see Victoria she will still hold Elmo to her nose when she's tired and say "Hot Meats" upon request... also if you could keep reminding her that her nose is a spoon that would really help!
Well big grown up girls I'm missing you so much already!
Friday, September 14, 2007
San Antonio!
Like Amanda we have finally made it to our final destination! We spent a couple of crazy weeks packing a wonderful week in San Diego and finally we are in San Antonio! Richard started his job Monday and likes it a lot. We are staying with Grandma and Grandpa Martinez while we look for an apartment downtown, which is so nice of them. They just can't get enough of Victoria. She barely gets a nap between hugs and kisses! We sure miss friends and family and are excited to hear how everyone is doing vis this blog!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Yea new blog!
We're planning on meeting Monday to go on the boat at 10:00 come h--- or high water! (Steven said). Then dinner later - Mike's helping cook. I can't wait!
I'm excited about this blog page - set up by Amanda Sue to keep us all in touch while she and Mike are away in Chicago and Rachel and Richard (and Victoria, of course) in San Antonio. Sad week for Steven and Donna with these kids all going away.
I'm excited about this blog page - set up by Amanda Sue to keep us all in touch while she and Mike are away in Chicago and Rachel and Richard (and Victoria, of course) in San Antonio. Sad week for Steven and Donna with these kids all going away.
The First Post!
Well everyone,
After a summer of living in three different houses (our garage apartment, our house-sitting home, and my parents house), we are getting excited to move out to Chicago. I was especially excited when I found out that my commute to work will only be 25 minutes from my front door to my office. Considering my three hour a day bus commute from Provo to Salt Lake, this is a dream come true.
Mike and I just returned from our much awaited two-year in process honeymoon to Cancun. We loved it. We went snorkeling, which scared me at first, but ended up being a great time. We saw ancient ruins, drank pina coladas, and had desserts after nearly every meal. It was a great time! While there we celebrated our two year anniversary, even though our actual anniversary was today. We actually forgot it was today until Aunt Betsy reminded us....how romantic are we!!! Cancun is better than a Sunday anniversary any day though!
Well, I hope everyone will join the blog and we can all keep in touch.
After a summer of living in three different houses (our garage apartment, our house-sitting home, and my parents house), we are getting excited to move out to Chicago. I was especially excited when I found out that my commute to work will only be 25 minutes from my front door to my office. Considering my three hour a day bus commute from Provo to Salt Lake, this is a dream come true.
Mike and I just returned from our much awaited two-year in process honeymoon to Cancun. We loved it. We went snorkeling, which scared me at first, but ended up being a great time. We saw ancient ruins, drank pina coladas, and had desserts after nearly every meal. It was a great time! While there we celebrated our two year anniversary, even though our actual anniversary was today. We actually forgot it was today until Aunt Betsy reminded us....how romantic are we!!! Cancun is better than a Sunday anniversary any day though!
Well, I hope everyone will join the blog and we can all keep in touch.
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