It seems like I was gone so much longer than a week. Sunday I got back from Maui. Last July when one of my best friends was moving from Salt Lake to Phoenix we were both packing her stuff while tears brimmed when she suggested that if we had a vacation planned we'd feel better... We took a break, sat on the floor of her bare loft and booked tickets for Maui. There was about a two minute conversation prior to actually entering our credit card info and I felt instantly better. As things rolled along we decided how fun it'd be to rent a place on the beach with more people. It ended up being six of us - equally balanced with 3 project managers and 3 in sales. It was a perfect balance.
As the trip neared and I received multiple spread sheets from the project managers of the group I began to feel a bit scared - most of you know I'm not a great big planner... There were conversations via email about how to break out responsibility (i.e., should one person plan each day or should each person just plan an activity, etc.). I have to say that after this trip I will NEVER take another trip without a project manager. I was so impressed with the activities we had a chance at due to their great planning and yet I was not planned into a corner. All in all we snorkeled on a great day excursion, saw a luau, zip lined (by far my favorite), spent some much needed time on the beach and competed for the "most bruised" award - sadly I lost.
Its only Tuesday though and its so tough to be back. It seems like forever since I've just rested and I came home to flattened mice and people quitting. UGH.
Anyway - welcome me home because I think I need it this week!
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