Tuesday, September 9, 2008

YOGA and the Crane's...

Can I just say that my "Downward facing Dog" is something the rest of my yoga class finds humor in? And that if my yoga instructor says "heels flat on the floor" one more time specifically to me I might just pick up my mat and cry my way out the door! UGH... Any advice? If I ever do get my heels and hands on the ground at the same time I'll take a picture and post it, but seriously... don't hold your breathe!


Amanda P said...

Maren & I took an aerobic class together my last year at BYU. I decided I should audit it when I found out that they were going to test us on our flexibility! Also, Mike's mom is an amazing yogaist and I did it with her one time. I was completely put to shame, especially when Mike and his Dad came in. They thought it was hillarious! We will never by flexible!

Maren said...

emily crane.
I love yoga, but an am embarrassment.
it's bad news. and I never seem to get any more flexible.
people who are naturally flexible just don't understand!

Rachel said...

I don't know what you guys are talking about! I am incredibly flexible! I can touch my knees just like Dad! One, two, three stretch, touch the sky, stretch again!

Rachel said...

I don't know what you guys are talking about! I am incredibly flexible! I can touch my knees just like Dad! One, two, three stretch, touch the sky, stretch again!