Grant's birthday was actually January 6th, and we were on a cruise in the Caribbean, soooo this post is pretty late. Better late than never right? Grant is now 24! As the newest member of the family, many people may not know a lot about Grant, so I thought I'd share some interesting facts about him, and also some of the things that I especially love about him.
1. Grant LOVES to dance. Get him out on the dance floor and he turns into a crazy, dance machine.
2. Grant has the most perfect skin I've ever seen. It makes me so mad. He never washes his face, and yet his face is flawless! I don't get it..
3. Grant snores like a freight train. yep.
4. Grant just happens to be the best basketball player I know. I think I knew I loved him when I saw how hard he could dunk it. I still get shivers when I see it! hahaha! I love to watch Grant play, but I get a little worked up. I guess I get that from the Crane side.
5. Grant's two favorite movies are Rudy, and The Man From Snowy River. I think if he could switch me in for Jim Craig he probably would, but how wouldn't?? I mean, it's JIM CRAIG.
6. I think Grant is the very tallest person in our family. Extended family included (if anyone knows of one 6'5" or taller feel free to speak up!) Between the two of us, there is no high shelf or cabinet that we can't reach..
7. Grant is the best public speaker/salesman/story teller I have ever met. He could sell a rain coat to someone who lives in the desert?? (I was having a super hard time thinking of an example) When Grant gives talks in church it is a sight to behold. The congregation lingers on his every word. They laugh. They cry. And then I have to follow him. It's bad news for me.
8. If Grant could eat one thing for the rest of his life I think it would be Cheddarwurst hotdogs, and I don't blame him. Those things are delcious! They are plump juicy hotdogs that have just the right amount of cheese inside. mmmmm!
9. Grant is a cowboy. He grew up on a ranch helping with the cattle. He rides horses, and listens to country music (sometimes) and can drive a tractor with the best of them!
10. For some crazy reason, Grant loves me. This is my favorite thing about him. I can't imagine my life without him. He is my best friend, and I'm so glad he puts up with my craziness!
Happy Birthday Grant!
I sure love you.
I'm sorry we missed his actual bday, but I'm going to add a few:
1 - He fits in wherever he is. Whether it is as a donkey in a contata or as dancing alone in the light of a projector (and yes - he really does love to dance).
2 - He's appreciative. Sunday I made him a sandwich. He texted me the next day right after he ate it. That still makes me smile. Who wouldn't love helping this boy?
3 - He's a gentleman. Case in point - he opens MY car door. Seriously when I think about that I want to call his sweet mother and tell her what a fantastic job she did.
4 - He's so so so very funny, but not in a big showy way. He's like my favorite director Wes Anderson... He doesn't need our applause and cheers to be funny - he just IS funny.
5 - He's so very loving. I've loved seeing how attentive he is to Maren's numerous first year of marriage illnesses. I do not worry nearly as much about her because of him. I do however now worry about him. : )
6 - He loves the things he does and not because he's good at them, but because he enjoys them. For example - he is an exceptional basketball player and he enjoys it, but he is not an incredible long boarder and yet he enjoys it as well.
Man... We're definitely on the lucky side of this relationship! Happy birthday Grant - thank you for joining our crazy family!
Those are all very true and nice things about Grant! We really are lucky to have him in our family! I hope you had a great Birthday. For the record I did actually call on your actual Birthday and then I remembered you were cruisin'! I hope you guys had a great time!
Yes, Grant is great! It was so fun to get to know Grant better this Christmas. Mike and I both just really think he is a VERY good guy. Yes, he is a keeper, the question is does he feel the same way after being snowed in with the crazy Crane family for a week and a half!? :)
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