The big question is when to end the burrito? Asher has done really well with being swaddled every night. He is now 5 months old (old picture)...woo hoo! Wow. He is starting to break out of his swaddle at night. He then often wakes himself up. Anyway, my question to you mother's and friends of mother's or anyone that likes burritos, when did you stop swaddling and how did you make the transition?
P.S. I've also found success with kiddopautamus swaddle wraps (aka baby straight jackets), but I think we shrunk it in the wash yesterday and it didn't work last night! Who knows.
P.S. I've also found success with kiddopautamus swaddle wraps (aka baby straight jackets), but I think we shrunk it in the wash yesterday and it didn't work last night! Who knows.
That's so funny, because Steve and I were just talking about that this morning. For naps and night time sleeping we always put Carson in the kiddopautamus swaddle and it works like a charm. He is 3 months now and starting to fight it, but when we don't swaddle him he wakes himself up. I've heard do it until the child tells you they don't want it anymore... My friend Lindsay slowly got her son off of it. Keeping one hand un-swaddled, then two hands, etc. Let me know what you find out!
We still swaddle. Brig busts out of it in about 2 seconds, but I think it signals to him "it is time to sleep." Actually we don't wrap his arms anymore (pointless b/c they escape so quickly), just his legs/body. But he was getting frustrated b/c he likes to suck on his blankie and have it on his face - which is tough to do when it is wrapped around his body. So now he gets one blankie wrapped around his bum, and one laid over him for cuddling.
I'm sure that really helped - ha!
How is work going?
We would swaddle the bottom party of his body then take our shrunken (we shrunk it to) swaddle blanket and would wrap it just around his arms. It worked great.
But soon enough our Dr told us that we should probably just stop swaddling. So we did and it was hard for a few nights then he just got used to it. Good luck!
Kiddopautamus makes a small and big swaddler- we used the big one until he could get his hands out and after a while, he started using a blanket. GOOD LUCK! Asher is so darn cute.
Isn't it funny how you have all these questions that you can't ever find the "correct" answer to? Well, we swaddled till he was about Asher's age, and then just swaddled the lower half (not arms) for a while, and then Will just got to where he'd flip around and sleep on his belly or side or however he wanted and I'd just make sure he was covered with his blanket.
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