Happy birthday to my favorite man in my life. A thank you to him for all of the amazing things he's brought into my life. Dad has loved us more than any father has. He has loved being a father and a husband more than anyone I know. He has not missed a single piece of our lives whether pleasant or unpleasant. He has cheered with us at games and clapped at various other activities which would not have been his first choice. He has cried with us and worried with us and in many cases saved us. He is passionate about all of us including our new family. I love knowing that in difficult times he will be there and in happy times he will feel joy with us. a few of my memories:
At five I packed my small barbie suitcase to run away and most likely I made a big show of it. I wouldn't have gotten far, but he chased after me down the back hill and begged me to come home. Made me believe he needed me. we walked back home hand in hand.
Growing up my toys would break. I'd cry at a wheel off a babby buggie only to have it repaired the next day.
As a young family he ouyfitted us all in skis and took us skiing several times even though it was even his first time too.
He taught me to love music.. best memories of him putting on a Simon and garfunkel record and relaxing while I danced in my nightgown and Gardner beat on a leather drum.
the dance costumes and dance recitals which he attended along with the old bully video camera.
The teams and teams of junior jaZz he coached year after year.
The times he knew to stay up late if we were sad or injured.
The letters that got me through my loneliness at byu.
Even now his ability to still take care of us all.
The funny memories of his humor whether in switching off lights and pulling moms head into his sweaty post run shirts.
I have learned to love and show it from him.
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I did call the Birthday boy, my brother, yesterday and wish him Happy Birthday BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY again.
You are right he totally LOVES his family, talks about them, brags about them, and relishes in all their many successes.
And YES he can fix ANYTHING. He started when we were very young and often with duct tape. He would spend hours in front of the TV making boats out of walnuts., etc. He has amazing small muscle development. He probably should have been a surgeon.
He likes to be home before dark, or earlier. When Uncle Brent came home from his mission and was giving his missionary report, Steven was down from Ogden. I don't know if he was worried about the weather or what, but he left to go home before the meeting. Our Aunt and Uncle from SLC drove down for it and gave him a hard time for years about "needing to get home."
He's a GREAT brother.
Much love,
Kathleen/Aunt Kathleen
Emily, you are so good to do these! Yes, Dad is so great. I know that Dad wrote me every week on my mission, and sometimes even more! Amazing. Growing up if I needed Dad to do something, I would write it in his "book" (aka Franklin Day Planner) and then it WOULD get done, no matter what. Also, I always loved the mechanical pencil's that dad had at his work (yes, I know I am a nerd!) and would ask dad to bring some home for me. I remember being at his office once when he was getting me some of my favorite pencils and I noticed he kept a tally of the pencil's that he took for personal use. That was a great lesson on honesty for me. Thanks Dad! I love you! Asher and Mike wish you a happy bday too!
Happy Birthday Dad!
All through my whole sports career, I cannot remember one game, match or meet that dad missed. He traveled all over Utah to see me play, and he never made it seem like a hassle. He made me feel like I was the most important person in the world.
In high school I took an accounting class. It turns out that I did NOT get the Crane accounting gene. When I would inevitably get behind in class I'd bring home all my homework, and dad would bring home his awesome nine key and he would help me catch up. What a sweetie.
One of my favorite things to do with dad is to watch sporting events. There's nothing like watching a BYU basketball game with dad. It is INTENSE. I owe all of my athletic understanding to him, and he never got inpatient when I asked him countless questions.
I also love just chatting with dad. I often call dad as I'm walking home from campus. Even though I call right in the middle of his work day, he never is too busy to talk to me- or maybe he is, but he'd never tell me that :)
Happy Birthday dad, we love you very much. Thank you for always being such a wonderful example to me.
Well, I have to agree with all of the above. He loves us all so much.
I remember when I first got the VW and it was winter he would scrape the snow off and start it a half hour before I had to leave for school. When I told him despite his efforts the defrost didn't work. He rigged up a mini hair dryer I could us to defrost the window as I drove.
Dad really isn't the christmas gift shopper, but if he picks something out for you you know it took a lot of effort and that he really cares. I remember getting cool seat covers and and emergency Just-in-case boxes for my cars.
I also got weekly letters on my mission and even during my summers in Alaska. Often they were travel logs of Maren's games or the racoon happenings at the cabin and I was glad to hear it all!
I remember when I asked for snow shoes for Christmas and he got a pair as well and we all know how much that has been!
I can think of a million more, but I think I am running out of room! I love you Dad!
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