Happy Birthday MOM!
I am of the opinion that I was given the exact mom I needed. You are my best friend and my biggest strength and one of the funniest most honest people I know. I had a couple of memories I wanted to share:
1 - Shoe shopping with my mom and her sisters and lunch with them afterwards while they laughed through stories of growing up and if I closed my eyes I couldn't tell which one was laughing.
2 - Laying out on our back lawn when I was little... It was the first girl time I got to spend with my mom. We'd put on our swim suits and take towels out back and just relax... I was only 3 or 4 so it couldn't have been all that relaxing for her!
3 - In middle school when I desperately wanted straight hair and she would get up so early and spend hours trying to help me blow my hair straight - for those of you with curls this was in the days prior to good product or straighteners.
4 - The days I had dance right after school and she would pick me up and drive me to dance while I hid below the windows and changed into a leotard.
5 - Late nights playing games when if we convince her to stay up long enough she gets super punchy and funny.
I love you mom! Thank you for being so good to all of us and making each one of us feel like your favorite.... or is that just I really am your favorite?
oh mom,
There are a hundred wonderful things I could say about you. Where do I even begin?
I loved our time reading together every night as I grew up. I loved reading Hatchet with you and The Hiding Place on the way to Zion. I am convinced that my love of reading comes directly from you.
I love coming home to Ogden. It is the most wonderful and inviting place in the world. The familiar smells and the beautiful home that you made. I'm sure that if I showed up at 4 in the morning you'd wake up, give me a big hug, and ask if you could make me some food!
I love your beautiful spirit. I have never ever doubted your love for Christ. I'm so grateful that you and Dad created a home that was so conducive to feeling the spirit.
I love how funny you are! You never fail to brighten the days of everyone around you with your big beautiful smile and contagious laugh.
Mom, you are the best mom in the world!! I'm so glad I got to be your baby, and thanks for having me!!
Happy Birthday mom, you are wonderful.
Well, I just now realized that Em had posted this wonderful post about our wonderful Mom! I hope you know my delayed response doesn't mean I love you any less!
I love you Mom! I wish I could see you everyday! We miss you so much here in Connecticut! Not a day goes past that Victoria doesn't mention her Grandma Donna. She speaks highly of her Belle sheets in her room at your house and your bear bread.
Today I attempted home made bread and it didn't come close to yours and it reminded me of all the saturday nights that I would slip away from my friends to make it home for your warm bread. A few caught on after a while and started to say, "your Mom is baking bread, right?"
I miss our late night chats in the kitchen. What a wonderful gathering place. I know all of our friends expects some wonderful food and you never disappointed. How often did we say, "we really should go to bed", but we didn't.
I loved that you waited up for us on the weekend and you never acted like it was a disposition. I think you liked to stay up and read or watch a movie. I remember every once in a while Dad would find out how late we got in and say we shouldn't keep our mom waiting up so late and I would mention how usually you stayed up past when we got home anyway. Usually busy preparing something for the next day to make our life easier.
I remember the nights Amanda and I would be up talking in our room and you would peek in and tell us to go to bed. We must have been loud, because usually you thought we were fighting, but that was only true some of the time!
Nicole and I still laught fondly of the lunches we spent at home while you rushed out the door to kindergarten practicing kindergarten songs on us. Actions and all!
I think all of us got a kick out of your terminology! i think my favorite was 'wild', as in 'she's kind of wild, right?' It still cracks me up!
I don't think I ever left for school without a warm breakfast. As we got older it got faster and more convenient. A scrambled egg sandwiched wrapped to go or some hot cereal we could drink on our way out the door.
As a momm, I often find myself asking myself what you would do. The two hour time difference actually works to your benefit, so that you don't get a call everytime I ask myself that question. Your phone would be ringing of the hook otherwise!
I love you and hope you had a wonderful Birthday! Rachel
Mom! I didn't know about this post until today! I also loved you reading to us growing up. I remember snuggling in your bed while you read us book of mormon stories and various novels.
I also agree that I try to be like you as a mom. I don't ever remember you relaxing while we were growing up, and I think this continues today.
And, I also agree that I love staying up late with you when you get, "silly."
I was telling Mike just the other day that at times I hear people say things that they wished their moms had done different or things they didn't agree with and I told him that I couldn't think of a thing. Mom, you are great example to us all. These are just a few things as I could go on and on. Happy Birthday! We love you.
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