2. Your bathroom time is not only interrupted by someone, but also his toy table:

P.S. I love the little footprint in this one. Even with all of the above, I think I wouldn't mind freezing Asher in time.
P.S. I love the little footprint in this one. Even with all of the above, I think I wouldn't mind freezing Asher in time.
The girls in all of my mom's aprons
Cameron and Addison in their cool school shirts
Gardner & Crista
Maren, Grant, and Dad
Asher and Axel: man talk
And we were able to gather with Mike's family in Billings, Montana for Christmas. It may have taken us 2 1/2 days, 3 missed flights, one Asher throw-up on a flight, a desperate, unsuccessful search for a sippy cup in the the ENORMOUS mall of America, and one unplanned night in a shady hotel to get there, but it was definitely worth it. We had a great time.
Visiting our friends, the Trendlers, in Minneapolis during our second day of our prolonged layer-over. So fun to see them though.
Big cousin Joe showing Asher what Chucky Cheese is all about.
The Popes and the Nyes... and yes, the Nyes are attempting to steal children.
A shepherd with his little uncooperative sheep
Now back to the cold, harsh reality of a Chicago winter in January. Wah, wahhh.