Saturday, January 23, 2010

Seven Ways you know you have a Toddler:

1. Your suitcase becomes inhabited by a 30 pounder:

* I know that not all toddlers are nearly 30 pounds, but I am just working with experience people!

2. Your bathroom time is not only interrupted by someone, but also his toy table:

3. Your trash can becomes a new place for socks or various other nondisposables:

4. Small items just seem to cover your floor at ALL times, no matter what you try and do about it. :)

5. Your lower shelves are not longer a place for books:

6. Instead of finding something wrong when he looks in the mirror, your thirty pounder just seems to LOVE himself. And you have a bag full of dirty diapers hanging from your door. Gross, I know.

7. And finally, Dad's quick shower turns into Asher's unsupervised baby powder extravaganza:

P.S. I love the little footprint in this one. Even with all of the above, I think I wouldn't mind freezing Asher in time.


Unknown said...

Oh, I love it and can totally relate. Lately I've been finding all sorts of stuff in our recycle bin, including cell phones and TV remotes. I wonder how much important stuff has gone out in the trash.

jennifermiller326 said...

Love, love, love this post!! I see I have a lot to look forward to in the next few months!

The Crane Family said...

That baby powder one is pretty funny! Aren't toddlers so great! Love the post!

kathleen said...

Aren't little people busy? So cute! His cousin Brig is equally very very busy. Children truly do grow up way too fast.
Aunt Kathleen

Whitney said...

Amanda, so glad you are in YW now - I wanted you in there a few years ago, but they had other plans for you at the time. You'll be great! And when did Asher get so big?! What a cutie - I bet you kiss all over those cheeks of his!

Maren said...

oh this is so cute!! I can't believe how big he's getting! It makes me sad that I'm missing out on all his funny stunts. keep taking LOTS of pictures. I want to see ALL of them :)