He even helps Mom exercise:

Notice that Asher is in his Razzle-Dazzles (Mike's word for this type of workout shorts). Once I or Mike put on our Razzle-Dazzles, he insists that he joins in the Pope team uniform.
Notice that Asher is in his Razzle-Dazzles (Mike's word for this type of workout shorts). Once I or Mike put on our Razzle-Dazzles, he insists that he joins in the Pope team uniform.
I love these pictures!
Love it. It is impossible to do push-ups with a 1 year old around. They can't help it, it just looks like we are having so much fun and they want to join in!
Man he's just so amazingly cute. I absolutely love his hair and loved seeing him on the computer the other day.
Amanda! How cute - Don't you love having a little helper?? They are great. Are you guys still in Chicago?? I really want to get together with you guys. We should plan something! PS - love your shirt.
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