Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another Helping of Asher

Remember how Asher helps with the cooking, well, he also does the dishes:

He even helps Mom exercise:

Notice that Asher is in his Razzle-Dazzles (Mike's word for this type of workout shorts). Once I or Mike put on our Razzle-Dazzles, he insists that he joins in the Pope team uniform.


jennifermiller326 said...

I love these pictures!

Unknown said...

Love it. It is impossible to do push-ups with a 1 year old around. They can't help it, it just looks like we are having so much fun and they want to join in!

em said...

Man he's just so amazingly cute. I absolutely love his hair and loved seeing him on the computer the other day.

Dani said...

Amanda! How cute - Don't you love having a little helper?? They are great. Are you guys still in Chicago?? I really want to get together with you guys. We should plan something! PS - love your shirt.