Sunday, October 10, 2010

Asher's 2nd Year Glamour Shots!

Can you believe we have a two year old! Asher's babysitter took these great pictures of Asher and her daughter, Liv. Thank you Heather!

And, I'm normally not one for little kid lovey-dovey pictures, but, seriously you funny and cute is this! We are hoping these two will get married one day!

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Kind of a Big Deal!

All key indicators point that Rachel (my older sister by 2 years) and her husband Richard Martinez (and little Victoria and Reed) are moving to our neighborhood in Chicago approximately five blocks away! We will let Rachel confirm as to whether this rumor is actually true!

Also, we had a great time having them come and visit and look for apartments. We will see them again in less than a month...very exciting!