Sunday, October 10, 2010

Asher's 2nd Year Glamour Shots!

Can you believe we have a two year old! Asher's babysitter took these great pictures of Asher and her daughter, Liv. Thank you Heather!

And, I'm normally not one for little kid lovey-dovey pictures, but, seriously you funny and cute is this! We are hoping these two will get married one day!


Unknown said...

Such great pictures! I love his hair.

acandiedapple said...

Oh my goodness, he is such a different kid! I love his hair and his dimples. What a cutie. We miss you tons!

Arianne said...

I cannot believe your son is 2! I've never even met him!!! He's so handsome. Miss you guys.

Christa said...

So he is the CUTEST kid ever! I'm loving the hair!!!

I can't believe Rachel is moving to Chicago!!!! How fun for you guys :)

Maren said...

he's so big! can you please tell him to not grow up so fast! it's killing me. He is so adorable. ohhh asher.

Sarah and Trent said...

Ahhhh cute!! Yes his hair is adorable.

jennifermiller326 said...

So adorable! I love his hair! I don't know...I might have to put in a bid for Asher to marry our little girl on the way.

April said...

Amanda his hair is to die for! Can't believe he's two so fun!