They were so beautiful and completely unexpected. Thanks you guys.
Also, Emily put together sweet little bags-o-fun for Cameron, Addison, and Victoria to keep them entertained at Maren's wedding. She even gave them fun little digital cameras! Can I have a bag-o-fun too?

And, most of us know that anytime you need a doctor, you can call Emily and she can find you the best! I was looking for a good pediatrician so of course she made a few phone calls and did some research and found us an excellent doctor that practices just blocks from our home. This was a huge relief especially since Asher was born a week early, and Emily was the only contact we had with our pediatrician. Thank you so much Emily and I think we would all agree that you win the best aunt award!
I fully fully agree. As someone who frequently partakes of emily's generosity I would like to say thanks too :)
we love you emily! You make our lives so good.
Those flowers are beautiful! I loved the plants they sent while I was in the hospital. I actually kept them alive for the remainder of our stay in San Antonio. Emily is wonderful!!
Not only is she the best aunt, but she is the best friend. And what a wonderful picture!
Amanda, he looks like a keeper!!! I'm so happy you've had Mom's in plural to come help you. They are the best! I hope you are feeling well and getting some sleep.
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