Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Typical First Time Parents...

So Mike and I have been married a little over three years now, and I am pretty sure we have taken more pictures in the last three weeks with Asher than in our entire marriage. We are really loving our baby Asher and thought we would share a few more pictures.

Asher loves to hang around in my bobby...I think he looks like a little hedge hog.

Here he is hanging out with his daddy after he has been fed.

No, we do not style his hair. Asher is all naturale; however, notice his frosted blond tips!

Asher all snuggled up after bath time. I am always tempted to snuggle him more after his bath; however, I've learned my lesson that Asher with no diaper means no fun for Mom and her clothes!


Laura Morris said...

Hey Just wanted to say Congrats! He is an adorable little boy!!! I love his hair!!!1

Rachel said...

Amanda and Mike, he is so cute. He looks so much like you two. The way his hair spikes forward reminds me of Victoria's hair. He is so precious.

Rachel said...
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Arianne said...

OH my gosh you Pope's! He's ADORABLE! I can't wait to meet him some day. I'm so proud of you guys, what a perfect little family!

Unknown said...

Yeah, new pictures of Asher. What a little man. I love his hair!