Friday, June 10, 2011

The Final Countdown...2 days until my due date.

Due June 12, 2011
I can actually say that I am ready to have this baby!


Brian and Elizabeth Shelley said... look just darling!

love, Aunt Betsy

Maren said...

you are the cutest!!! I miss you!

Tressa said...

Amanda, you look so good! Good luck! Can't wait to see pictures of baby girl! We're probably coming out to Chicago for the 4th of July. It'd be good to see all of you!

Sarah and Trent said...

I'm with ya girl~ ready to have our baby too! I'm due June 30th. Happy due date.. hope she comes soon, good luck!

Arianne said...

You look wonderful! I can't believe she'll be here so soon and to hear all about her. Good luck with everything...and congrats!

kathleen said...

Did you have it? I haven't heard. I am anxiously awaiting the news! What a cute pregnant lady you are.

Had a great weekend in Boulder, Colo. with you brother Gardner, Uncle Brent and Brandon, and Bob, Uncle Brent's biking friend. They came for a very intense mountain biking camp.

Aunt Kathleen