Monday, July 18, 2011

Belated Post, On-Time Delivery

Hazel Lorraine Pope: Born June 13th, 2011, 1:02 a.m. 6 lb 6 oz. 18 3/4 inches

I was scheduled for an induction on June 13th (a day after my due date) at 10:00 a.m. because my mom and mother-in-law had both scheduled their flights. I did not really want to be induced but I also wanted to make sure that baby sister arrived around the time that my mom was coming into town. Let's be honest, we needed to utilize all of our help! :)

I felt like I had been having contractions for weeks, so I wasn't sure that I was really in labor on Sunday June 12th (my actual due date) until that evening when my contractions became quite painful and regular. We called our friends Jason and Alicia and they frantically rushed down to our neighborhood. Mike and I were surprisingly calm...Mike had even composed a detailed list of Asher's routine for the following day. Mike and I continued to stay calm as we got stuck in unbelievable traffic near Soldier Field (the stadium where the Chicago Bears play) due to a Mexico soccer game. When we finally got downtown, we got stuck behind two different horse and buggies...really?! Once we found parking and made our way into the hospital, my contractions were about four minutes apart. Still we were calm, which is now funny to me because Hazel was born just four hours later at 1:00 a.m. I even had to ask the Doctor to wake Mike up because we did not anticipate that things would progress so quickly, and that I would only have to push for three minutes. Luckily, Mike roused himself up for the event. :)

We are so grateful that everything went smoothly and we love our little Hazel. Big brother Asher is doing well and loving Hazel, although the first week was a bit tough. We cannot believe that she is already five weeks old!

Also, we are so grateful for the help of my mom and my mother-in-law.


Melissa said...

She is darling and I love the name. I am glad you guys are settling in. It gets easier every day.

Rachel said...

She still seems so little! That's nice, because they just end up growing so fast! What a little cutie! We miss you guys and can't wait until September.

Rachel said...

She still seems so little! That's nice, because they just end up growing so fast! What a little cutie! We miss you guys and can't wait until September.

Rachel said...

She still seems so little! That's nice, because they just end up growing so fast! What a little cutie! We miss you guys and can't wait until September.

Whitney said...

So sweet! Congrats again! Hope everything is going well!

Katie said...

I'm so happy for you guys! She is adorable.

Maren said...

Oh amanda, she is a doll. I love her already!! I wish I could hold her! Give her a kiss from her Aunt Maren and tell here that I love hern! :)

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've been thinking about you wondering how everything went. Isn't having two absolutely crazy. I was scared to death and the first month was very overwhelming, but things are much better now =). I'll call you sometime next week because I'd love to chat. I LOVE the name by the way. So cute!!

Blake + Amy said...

Yay. Congratulations on your darling baby girl!

Sarah and Trent said...

Ah congrats guys! Our baby girls are a week apart. I love all her hair! I'm glad you didn't have to be induced either Amanda~ and that it was fast. Is two kids as tough for you as it is for me..?!!

Christa said...

She is beautiful! So happy for you guys, it's fun having one of each :)