Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I first just want to say that I am SO thankful that this post that was nearly completed wasn't just deleted when my computer crashed a minute ago!

Okay, now for the real post...

Just as Rachel and I and fams are ready to head out to Utah for the holiday season (tomorrow...whoo hoo!), we finally are making posts about Thanksgiving. Mike, Asher, and I flew to Philadelphia for Thanksgiving to see Mike's parents and sister Jaclyn and Rachel, Richard, Victoria, and Reed drove down from Connecticut. To see the fun pictures Rachel and her family took, visit her blog. Mike's family was so excited to have them come and we just all had a great time together. Victoria and Reed were so sweet the entire time. We went on a walk at Valley Forge on Thanksgiving Day, shopped at some really great outlets with no sales tax (a stark contrast to Chicago's 10.25%), and played games (Mike's mom even made Richard play and it was pretty funny!). I am very grateful for marrying into the Pope family and it was fun to have the Martinez's get to know them better. Anyway, here's a few pictures of our trip...

The Sweet Martinez family on our walk at Valley Forge

A three generation photo, unfortunately blurry...but doesn't Mike look handsome! Oh, he will be embarrassed that I added that!

Asher's first documented smile...I told you guys that he actually smiled sometimes. Okay, maybe Mike poking Asher takes away from the authenticity, but I swear he really does smile!

What a great Thanksgiving...now I'm can't wait for Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cameron's Arm...

So tonight Cameron broke her arm jumping from her bunk bed. I sat by her tonight and listened as she sat with her arm propped up... Things she was concerned about just hours after breaking her arm:

1 - as soon as she was settled she said she needed to go upstairs because she had a surprise for me. Crista went up instead and came back with a beautiful card she'd made for me and a little present that I opened to find two dollars. I almost cried because she and Addison have been saving to buy a barbie doll house. She wouldn't take it back and finally we settled on using it to get a treat together.

2 - she wanted to be sure she was going to be able to go to Addison's singing concert tomorrow night. She knows this is a big deal for Addison.

3 - she was concerned about Addison's eye which has been bothering her.

4 - she was concerned about not deserving to get blessed to heal quickly because she feels like she made a bad choice in jumping off the bunk bed. She loves her Heavenly Father and believes strongly in his ability to heal, but also has an astrounding sense of fairness.

5 - when dad called to tell her he was sorry and see how she was doing she was very sure to console him and make him believe she was ok. Even saying at one point, "don't worry about me."

I know I'm her aunt, but I can honestly say that the unselfish attitude she shows even when injured is shocking for her age. I just can't believe how sweet she came. I will also say that the whole time they were at the hospital Addison was busying herself making little gifts and cards for her. I love how they take such good care of each other.

I can't believe how loved this little girl can make me feel. Even when she's hurt. I swear if I could bottle the way she makes me feel I could solve the world's problems.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

So I just want to say that in trial we learn who our best friends are. I was so worried when I learned I'd have to get my wisdom teeth out and worried about who would help me... I never knew how many options I had. Crista offered immediately to do whatever was needed and that on top of her three children. Gardner stepped in as well. However, I have to say that it was so easy and natural to accept dad's offer. All of you know that whenever you need him you're never let down.

Early Tuesday morning he picked me up at home and drove me to the surgeon's office and then gave me the sweetest blessing - which I needed for more than just the upcoming extraction. I immediately felt the first calm of my whole season... He brought a book (or I should say two portions of a book - ha ha) and sat patiently in the waiting room. As they put me under I knew that I'd be fine as long as he was there.

After, he drove me back to O-town and dropped me off at home once he'd settled me on the couch, only to go back for my prescriptions. Before he left he turned up the heater in the game room so it'd be warm for me. He came home with a shake and all of my pills and sat and quietly read until I woke up again. Then he scooped some shake and set out my pills and settled me back on the couch. Mom called on the way home from work and made a special trip to the grocery store for yogurt and mashed potatoes and anything else I could dream of. Later that night they watched tv with me and made sure I'd eaten again.

The next day he came home from work to eat lunch with me and then left work early to bring me back to Salt Lake so I could work the next day. I should mention that in all of this he carried the bags I'd over-packed and opened all the doors. I love that he's such a gentleman even with his daughters.

The other thing is that dad is just so easy to be with... especially when you don't feel well. He spoils you and makes you feel pretty and loved even when you're puffy and swollen and probably (especially knowing me) complaining.

I also received numerous calls that whole day from all of my sisters - ALL of them - checking to see how I was doing. Crista, Rachel, Amanda, and Maren, I still don't feel super great, but to be honest I feel better than when I had wisdom teeth. Its not often in life we get chances to be loved so much.

Thank you all for loving me so much! In all of this I also want to point out that being helped by dad reminded me of the tens of thousands of times in the past when I've needed him and he's pulled through and not even made it seem like a big deal. He forgets to remind you of the sacrifices he makes when he's helping. Not once during those wisdom teeth days did he make it seem like he needed or wanted to be elsewhere.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Loving not being pregnant

I was looking at some of our pictures and this picture just reminded me of how happy I am to no longer bo SO pregnant. Notice how swollen my sad feet were and the white arc in the bottom of the photo is my belly! Funny huh!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cute Little Bug!

I figured I should try to get some nice pictures taken of Asher while he is still so little. My friend Danielle in my ward is an excellent photographer and took some pictures of me and Asher. I just included the picture link below to her website where you can see a few. Asher is definitely the cuter Pope in the pictures! I hope you enjoy!

Picture Link

Monday, November 3, 2008

First halloween as a married couple

This week at school was out of control (well, pretty much every week is out of control. Grant is taking 17.5 credits and I am taking 18), but it seems like this week was the MOST out of control so far, so I promise we didn't even think about Halloween until Friday at about 5pm. Suddenly I decided that we couldn't just NOT DRESS UP. So we booked it to our nearest Gen X clothing store and ended up like this:

If it's not already apparent, Grant was a thug, and I was his trashy -possibly latino- baby mama. I tried to get the latino part across with my lip-liner. (By the way, those pants were the best find of the night!!) My shirt is supposed to be a Pepsi shirt, but it says "Sexi" on it. Waaayy gross. We complete Grant's look with some three-dollar magnetic earrings. I think it was a nice touch.

The best part about this is that we went to a party with a bunch of our single friends, and I think that about half of the people who saw me actually believed I was having a baby. I'm sure they were thinking to Grant ,"Why would you bring that, HERE?"

I just love Halloween!!

also, you should all listen to these good tunes:

When U Love Somebody - Fruit Bats
Our Swords - Band of Horses
Ottoman- Vampire Weekend

Thursday, October 30, 2008

For the Grandparents and others that are not sick of baby pics!

As most of you know, we live in Chicago and my parents live in Utah and Mike's in Philedelphia; therefore, we are posting some extra pictures for the grandparents, particularly the ones that are not on facebook! :) Yes, I know, I finally sold out and joined facebook a few months ago due to Maren's harrassment...but secretly I can get sucked into and enjoy the time waste we all call facebook.

The Family...it's funny to go from a couple to a family...wow, I suppose we are growing up.

Big boy clothes! I thought they looked so cute, even though a bit big!

Asher and I like to meet Mike at campus sometimes and walk home together. Sadly, Chicago is starting to get cold so we had to deck Asher out in his "I live in Chicago" gear, yes the scowl included. Rachel gave us this stroller after she needed a double-wide so it is a bit big, but works well with a swaddle job. The stroller also doubles as his preferred place of rest as he dislikes his bassinet and crib. Yes, he indeed sleeps in his stroller every night. Are we bad parents for that? Probably.
Asher apparently was too tired to eat. Honestly, too tired to eat...you're a Crane/Pope!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Typical First Time Parents...

So Mike and I have been married a little over three years now, and I am pretty sure we have taken more pictures in the last three weeks with Asher than in our entire marriage. We are really loving our baby Asher and thought we would share a few more pictures.

Asher loves to hang around in my bobby...I think he looks like a little hedge hog.

Here he is hanging out with his daddy after he has been fed.

No, we do not style his hair. Asher is all naturale; however, notice his frosted blond tips!

Asher all snuggled up after bath time. I am always tempted to snuggle him more after his bath; however, I've learned my lesson that Asher with no diaper means no fun for Mom and her clothes!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

foooootball. continued.

Not really sure what happened to that last post. I'm obviously a rookie at this.
anyway, those were from the byu vs utah state game up in logan. Me, grant, dad, mom, emily, gardner and crista all went up, and had a great time!

The next pictures are in Provo at the byu vs new mexico game. I'm not sure if you can tell from the pictures or not, but we were freezing...to death!

Go cougars!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

To the Best Aunt

All of Asher's aunts are extraordinary, but I thought I would just post about one in particular. Emily and Gardner, Crista and their family sent me these while in the hospital...

They were so beautiful and completely unexpected. Thanks you guys.

Also, Emily put together sweet little bags-o-fun for Cameron, Addison, and Victoria to keep them entertained at Maren's wedding. She even gave them fun little digital cameras! Can I have a bag-o-fun too?

And, most of us know that anytime you need a doctor, you can call Emily and she can find you the best! I was looking for a good pediatrician so of course she made a few phone calls and did some research and found us an excellent doctor that practices just blocks from our home. This was a huge relief especially since Asher was born a week early, and Emily was the only contact we had with our pediatrician. Thank you so much Emily and I think we would all agree that you win the best aunt award!

A Beefy 7 lbs 12.5 ounces!

During my stay in the hospital, a pediatrician informed me that Asher lost 10% of his birth weight. For a first time mom, this caused quite a bit of stress! I was so relieved to have a weigh-in today at Asher's 1 week and 5 day pediatrician visit and to find that he had gained all of his birth weight back plus a whopping .5 ounce! I attribute the success to the women below:

My mom came to Chicago and stayed for a week and a half! We couldn't have done it without her!

Mike's mom flew in the day my mom left! She also has been so great! Mike and I greatly appreciate their help both emotionally and physically! :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I just wanted to add a few of the funny things Victoria has been saying lately.
1- After visiting a local farm she said, "Mom, next time we go see the cows I really want to squeeze their tutters!". I could not stop laughing. First that she wanted to milk the cow and second that she said tutters.
2- The same visit we scared some pigs and they barked. She said, "Mom, pigs say oink, oink, not woof, woof. What's wrong with those pigs?"
3- She had a hang nail and with a disgusted look on her face she said, "Mom, look at this crazy tony-tail."

She is a hoot!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Asher Crane Pope

So here is Asher Crane Pope! He came charging out at 8:30 am on Thursday morning at 7 lbs 12 oz, 21 inches in length, and a head covered in almost inexplicably dark hair. Amanda and Asher are both healthy and adjusting well to their new roles in life. We appreciate all the prayers and well-wishing offered on their behalf.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My friends at my office today surprised me with a baby shower! I thought I was going to a meeting and then when I walked in the conference room, it was filled with all of my friends shouting "Surprise!" It was sooo nice of them! I was completely surprised. I have only been in this office a year, but I feel that I have some really great friends here. Anyway, I thought I would post a few of the pictures...

What a cute cake huh!

What a bunch of nerdy accountants huh! Just kidding. They are sooo great.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

YOGA and the Crane's...

Can I just say that my "Downward facing Dog" is something the rest of my yoga class finds humor in? And that if my yoga instructor says "heels flat on the floor" one more time specifically to me I might just pick up my mat and cry my way out the door! UGH... Any advice? If I ever do get my heels and hands on the ground at the same time I'll take a picture and post it, but seriously... don't hold your breathe!

Oh the Fat Feet!

So you know how sometimes when you are pregnant, you are never sure just how much bigger you are until you try on a shirt or pants that no longer fit. Well, I've slowly changed my shoe selections due to the mark that my "buckle-around the ankle dress shoes" would leave on my ankle after a day of wear. Mind you I used to buckle them at a tighter bunkle, but the mark was left at the loosest buckle! So now I have been wearing slip on strappy dress shoes. Well, yesterday I looked down and realized that my overly chunky feet had actually broken one of the straps on my last resort shoes! This is just my feet I'm talking about; my chunky ankles are another story! Well, luckilly only three weeks left! Wow, how time has flown.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Congratulations Richard and Rachel!

For those of you that have not heard, Richard was accepted into an MBA program at University of Conneticut! They have already moved out of their place in San Antonio and are staying with his parents for just a few weeks before the trek to Conneticut. We are all just so excited for them! I know Rachel has been super busy, so I thought I would spill the news. I am sure Rachel will add more details about when school starts and where they are living when she has the time. Congratulations you guys!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Gardner!

August 6th! Its his birthday and most likely he's sleeping on a cold, rocky, ground and most likely realizing that he might have overestimated his toughness... which quite frankly would not have been the FIRST time!

So super quickly I thought I'd list some of my favorite memories of him:

1 - The time he used a slim jim to break into my car in the pool parking lot at high school when I'd locked my keys inside... oddly it didn't take him more than two minutes to pop that lock right open.

2 - The time I came crying to him at auto shop when I thought my car had been stolen from the high school parking lot. Long story...

3 - The time he and my dad were racing their chevelles on back roads in Payson and they fought over which one had to carry the "dead weight" aka me.

4 - Any time when we were kids and I was cool enough to be involved in whatever was going on (clubhouse building, random schemes, and rock throwing contests).

5 - In middle school at Christmas when he gave me a black guess sweatshirt and probably didn't even realize how important it was at 12 to have it. More important later in life when I realized it was purchased with lawn mowing money.

6 - The time I somehow wedged my car against the side of the garage without scraping it while backing out and even though he and his friends were in the front yard he just quietly backed it out without making me feel dumb.

7 - The time some of my friends tried to toilet paper our house while I was gone and he and his friend stole their keys out of the ignition and made them clean it up.

8 - In college when he invited me over to eat some sandwiches he'd swiped from an MBA event and while I ate it he mentioned that he thought he saw mold on it (teasing about the guacomole). But realized it was too late to reverse the joke as I ran down his hall to the bathroom gagging.

9 - The time he somewhat willingly drove his car with Nana in it at the Payson Parade.

10 - The time he'd snooped in mom's journal and told me about Maren being on the way before our parents did.

11 - Anytime he'd say to Maren about highschool, "so do you ever hear anything about me over there?"

12 - Anytime he's telling a story that might involve speed or an engine sound - his sound effects and ability to tell a good story are unrivaled.

13 - The time he got home after curfew in high school... that's all I'll say on this one.

14 - After his mission when we went on a double date.

I could go on! What a crazy, perfect brother to have! I hope his day was really perfect!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Yes, this is what Mike has to look forward to after a long day at the library!

1. One day I arrived home after work looking like this...

Due to my obstricted view caused by my baby bump, and after a half hour commute of walking through downtown, catching a train, I arrived home with my sweater so carefully buttoned askew!

2. Three nights ago, I arrived home looking like this...

I was rushing to catch the train and I took a pregnant nose dive right in the middle of the crowded downtown streets. Don't worry, I am fine and so is the baby; however, I am sure my flop made for a good story at many a dinner table! Out of control!

Maren & Grant visit us in Chicago!

Well, I finally uploaded some pictures and here they are! Maren and Grant came and visited us in Chicago a few weeks ago. We were so excited to have them come. We had such a great time visiting Lake Michigan (which is just a few blocks from our house),

squeezing through Taste of Chicago(a festival downtown featuring various Chicago restaurants with shoulder-to-shoulder people), traipsing all over Chicago (which was bit easier before I was seven months pregnant),

and finally eating at our favorite Chicago deep dish pizza at Gino's East. All of this and the only picture we have of all of us together is in our apartment!

We had a great time!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Other various pictures...

Carthage jail

The St. Louis Arch

..and Grant

before my camera completely stopped working :(

Grant in front of the Nauvoo temple

Grant in front of the statue of Joseph and Hyrum

Me and front of the Nauvoo temple. too bad we couldn't get one together!

haha, there we go!