Sunday, December 19, 2010
Funny Sayings
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Asher's 2nd Year Glamour Shots!

Monday, October 4, 2010
It's Kind of a Big Deal!
Also, we had a great time having them come and visit and look for apartments. We will see them again in less than a month...very exciting!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Left Hanging
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Raid and Chemo: Friend or Foe?

This is an article I wrote for a new Oncology study we're working on and many of you have helped me through the hell this little beetle has put me through so I thought I'd share.
Recently I found a beetle in my home. It was large enough that I actually HEARD it running on the tile floor. After attempting to trap it with Tilex-soaked napkins (as I had no Raid) I spent the night in absolute fear for my life and jumping at any little noise.
The next day I could not stop imagining the huge black pest roving through my home as if it owned the place. That night I returned home armed with lemon-scented Raid. I found the beetle and he died shortly after a brief swim.
However, to err on the safe side, I then unloaded the entire can in my home. Operation successful — I went to sleep knowing the beetle was dead in a Ziploc bag. The next morning I awoke nauseated having slept in my 700 square-foot home breathing an entire bottle of toxic lemon-scented Raid.
Like Raid, oncology treatments of radiation and chemotherapy in controlled doses can be effective and safe, but mess up the dose and you’re in a deadly situation.
With so many potential risks involved in utilizing radiation and chemotherapy to treat patients, physicians absolutely need a solid product. What do you think is needed for a complete system? Is there a vendor who has the functionality that oncology demands?
KLAS is conducting an oncology study, and we’d love to hear your thoughts and needs.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Another Helping of Asher

Notice that Asher is in his Razzle-Dazzles (Mike's word for this type of workout shorts). Once I or Mike put on our Razzle-Dazzles, he insists that he joins in the Pope team uniform.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Rachel: brought home as our Christmas gift and easy from day one. A favorite memory of her is watching her smile slyly after Amanda shoved her into the closet. I also remember finding her hiding in a closet with her eyes filled with tears. She didn't like crying in front of people. I still can take almost anything but watery Rachel eyes. She's adventurous and has been bringing new things and experiences to us since tennis.
Amanda: driven and focused. She has never not accomplished a task she set out for. She does not tire and researches every decision and move she makes. She was angry at the shows that dealt with highlighted kids, knowing all too young how amazingly talented she is. Road trips with her singing crystal gale make me laugh out loud.
Maren (Aka house cat): I was finally getting the sister thing down. I remember standing in the library with my fingers presses gently on your eyelids trying to induce sleep. You were charming and loved easily from the start. I've never doubted you loved me. You are funny and tough and more laid back to us than you really are. I still have pjs for you.
So to all of you... Come home soon. I miss being an older sister.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Chicago...My kind of town
The Dyeing of the Chicago River for St. Patrick's day...yes, it really is that green.

The Lincoln Park Kite flying festival:
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
my dear emily

I have really really loved living in Oklahoma, but the hardest part is being away from family. Especially Em.
Not many people are lucky enough to have sisters like Emily. We have had so many amazing times together! Here are just a couple of my favorite Em memories.
ER, Friends and Taco Maker Thursdays. No one can flirt their way into more free crispitos than Em :)
Going to Salt Lake and staying with Emily. Always knowing I'd have a spot in her bed and that "my pajamas" would be there waiting for me.
Shopping with Em is the best. She really knows her stuff! She was always willing to go with me to find the perfect shoes to go with a dance dress, or to advise me on wedding make up. She definitely has good taste!
Playing the train game. nuff said. She always beats me, but it's always fun.
CANCUN. Seriously, one of the funnest trips of my life. So glad we could go together.
Emily is the kind of person who is always doing something for someone else. If she's not bringing something special for someone in the office, she's up in Kaysville hanging out with Cam, Addison and Axel so G and C can have a little break.
Emily, you are such a wonderful person and there are so many people who love you. I love you.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I call it a COME BACK!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Asher's Glamour Shots

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Seven Ways you know you have a Toddler:

2. Your bathroom time is not only interrupted by someone, but also his toy table:

P.S. I love the little footprint in this one. Even with all of the above, I think I wouldn't mind freezing Asher in time.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A long time!
The girls in all of my mom's aprons

Cameron and Addison in their cool school shirts
Gardner & Crista
Maren, Grant, and Dad

Asher and Axel: man talk
And we were able to gather with Mike's family in Billings, Montana for Christmas. It may have taken us 2 1/2 days, 3 missed flights, one Asher throw-up on a flight, a desperate, unsuccessful search for a sippy cup in the the ENORMOUS mall of America, and one unplanned night in a shady hotel to get there, but it was definitely worth it. We had a great time.
Visiting our friends, the Trendlers, in Minneapolis during our second day of our prolonged layer-over. So fun to see them though.
Big cousin Joe showing Asher what Chucky Cheese is all about.

The Popes and the Nyes... and yes, the Nyes are attempting to steal children.
A shepherd with his little uncooperative sheep
Now back to the cold, harsh reality of a Chicago winter in January. Wah, wahhh.