Thursday, March 4, 2010


I was in the next room working, and Mike was "in-charge," but apparently "in-charge" means allowing Asher to snuggle down in his blanket with a tub full of Nutella! Somehow Asher pulled it off the kitchen counter, opened the jar, and feasted. We couldn't believe it! So funny.


Maren said...

I don't even blame him. I've done that same thing. It's really embarrassing when Grant catches me.

kathleen said...

What is Nutella? Looks yummy however.
What a cutie!
Aunt Kathleen

jennifermiller326 said...

So funny! We can never underestimate these little rascals!

Rachel said...

I always love it when Richard is "in charge"! Who knows what you will come home to!! Funny! He is sure big and cute!