Friday, March 4, 2011

Having a Girl!

Well, yes, this is a bit belated, but I thought I would make it official that we are expecting a little girl! Mike is excited, but doesn't believe it for some reason. He felt that the ultrasound was inconclusive...even though the ultrasound tech said it definitely was conclusive! :)

Asher knows that we are having a girl, and that he will have a little sister, but he still thinks he has a baby in his tummy...and recently mentioned the baby in Mike's tummy too. Hmmm. We have some work to do.
I suppose I can finally stop dressing Asher like this....

P.S. We are very excited to have Emily, Maren, and my mom come and visit this week!


Arianne said...

WOHOO! Craner! A little baby girl - that is SO awesome. it makes me happy. I can't wait to hear name ideas and see a belly pic! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

acandiedapple said...

Wow! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you.

kathleen said...

How fun to have a little girl. So excited for you! Carrie is so enjoying sweet little Eve Laura and girls are so fun fun to dress and get clothes for.
Plus when you have a child of each sex you can totally experience life.
Much love,
Aunt Kathleen

Brian and Elizabeth Shelley said...

So happy for you all. She will be wonderful, just like you are!

Aunt Betsy