Thursday, March 5, 2009

He's gettting a little bit Fat!

Can you believe Asher is five months!

What's a mom to do with this crazy hair! He loves his new toy, and really gets his game face on!

Dad & Asher.

Thunder thighs...

Life in the Wind blown city...

A happy, chubby 4 months.


kathleen said...

What a cutie! Love, love the chubby thighs. Carrie finally cut Brig's long locks on top and it looks very cute.
Aunt Kathleen

kathleen said...

I forgot to mention, I LOVE the dimpled Crane chin!!!!!!!
Aunt Kathleen

Unknown said...

He is so cute! I can't believe how big he is getting. I love his cubby legs. Aren't they the best?

Maren said...

these picture crack me up! what a little sweetie pie.

Christa said...

He is too cute! I LOVE the fatness. Will had one of those bouncy toys too and would jump around in it all day. Asher's hair is darling too, love it!