Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This is what happens when a baby forgets how to sleep at night:


carrie said...

that is the cuttest thing i have ever seen.

one time brig fell asleep in my arms, in a POOL. i wish i had a picture of that...

Rachel said...

What a sweetie! He is getting so big! Man, I wish I could just pinch those cute cheeks.

Sarah and Trent said...

ahhhh he's just plum tuckered out! So dang cute. Amanda I thought of you today~ you gave me the GREAT idea to get a breastpump on craigslist. Thank you thank you!! I even bartered a little bit with free formula and coupons I had gotten. You rock!

April said...

OH Amanda he's so cute. Wow how much he's grown. So fun.